= render :partial => 'about_nav' #yui-main .yui-b .box %h3=:frequently_asked_questions.l %h4#what_is_it What Is = AppConfig.community_name %p Explain what it is" %h4#tags What Are "Tags"? %p Tags are one-word descriptors that you can assign to your blogs, pictures, and clippings. %p Tags are a keywords you choose to help organize your stuff on this site. You can assign as many tags as you like and rename or delete them later. %h4#images_and_flash How do I embed images and flash using the rich text editor? %p You can add images or flash media to your profile and your blog posts by using the image %img{:src=>"/plugin_assets/community_engine/javascripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/images/image.gif"} and media %img{:src=>"/plugin_assets/community_engine/javascripts/tiny_mce/plugins/media/images/media.gif"} buttons on the rich text editor.