- @meta = { :description => "#{@user.login}'s profile on #{AppConfig.community_name}.", :keywords => "#{@user.login}, #{@user.tags.join(", ") unless @user.tags.nil?}", :robots => AppConfig.robots_meta_show_content } - @section = @user.eql?(current_user) ? 'my_profile' : 'users' - @sidebar_left = true - if @is_current_user and @user.vendor? and (@user.offerings.empty? or @user.description.nil? ) %p ? Hey, you're a = AppConfig.community_name Pro! You should = link_to :update_your-profile.l, edit_user_path(@user) \! Add your skills, contact info and Web site. .yui-b .box = render :partial => 'profile_user_info_sidebar', :locals => {:user => @user} - if @user.description #about_me.box %h3 =:about_me.l %p= @user.description #friends.box.alt %h3 =:my_friends.l = link_to "(#{@friend_count})", accepted_user_friendships_path(@user) if @friend_count > 5 = link_to "» #{:invite_a_friend.l :site => AppConfig.community_name}", invite_user_path(@user) if @is_current_user %br = link_to "» #{:view_all_my_friend_requests.l} (#{@pending_friendships_count})", pending_user_friendships_path(@user) if @is_current_user %br %br - @accepted_friendships.each do |user| =render :partial => "users/sidebar_user", :locals => {:user => user} -if @accepted_friendships.size > 4 %h6.all =link_to :see_all.l, accepted_user_friendships_path(@user) - unless @users_comments.empty? #photo_comments.yui-g.box.alt %h3=:my_recent_comments.l - @users_comments.each do |comment| %dl.vcard %dt.photo = link_to image_tag(comment.recipient.avatar_photo_url(:thumb), :alt => "#{comment.recipient.login}", :width => '50', :height => '50'), commentable_url(comment) %dd.fn - if comment.recipient.eql?(comment.commentable) %strong= :to.l + ": #{link_to comment.recipient.login, commentable_url(comment)}" - else %strong= :to.l + ": #{link_to comment.recipient.login, user_path(comment.recipient)}" %br %strong= :on_commentable.l + ": #{link_to comment.commentable_name, commentable_url(comment)} (#{comment.commentable_type})" %dd %p= "\"#{truncate_words( comment.comment, 10, '...')}\"" - unless @photo_comments.empty? #photo_comments.yui-g.box.alt %h3=:photo_comments.l - @photo_comments.each do |comment| %dl.vcard %dt.photo = link_to(image_tag(comment.commentable.public_filename(:thumb), :width => '50', :height => '50'), user_photo_path(@user, comment.commentable)) %dd.fn= "#{comment.user.login}" + " " + :says.l + ":" %dd = truncate_words(comment.comment, 10) %br = link_to "» " + :view_comment.l, user_photo_path(@user, comment.commentable) + "#comment_#{comment.id}" #yui-main .yui-b - if @photos.empty? and @recent_posts.empty? .box.alt.first_alt %h3= :small_profile.l :user => @user.login - unless @photos.empty? #photos.box %h3=:photos.l - @photos.each do |photo| = link_to image_tag( photo.public_filename(:thumb), :class => "polaroid"), user_photo_path(@user, photo) %h6.all.right= link_to :view_all_my_photos.l, user_photos_path(@user) = "#{link_to(:add_a_photo.l, new_user_photo_path(@user))}" if @is_current_user - unless @recent_posts.empty? #posts.box %h3=:recent_blog_posts.l = render :partial => 'posts/post', :collection => @recent_posts %h6.right.all= link_to :view_my_blog.l, user_posts_path(@user) - unless @clippings.empty? #clippings.box %h3=:clippings.l - @clippings.each do |clipping| %a{"href"=>"#{h user_clipping_url(@user, clipping)}"} %img.clipping.polaroid{"src"=>"#{h clipping.image_uri(:thumb)}", :width => '100', :height => '100'} %h6.all.right= link_to :view_all_my_clippings.l, user_clippings_path(@user) #comments.box.hfeed.comments %h3=:profile_comments.l %h2=:add_your_comment.l %p= render :partial => 'comments/comment_form', :locals => {:commentable => @user} %a#newest_comment = render :partial => 'comments/comment', :collection => @comments %span#more_comments_links= more_comments_links(@user)